Welcome to the CREST Resources Library

Our free CREST project resources and challenge packs incorporate a range of science activities and experiments which span numerous themes to suit varying skills and age groups.

The resources library is divided into three areas: Primary, Discovery (Primary/Secondary) and Secondary. Click on the links at the top of the page to browse these different types of resources.

There are many more CREST resources which have been developed by our partners and by providers in your region. Click here for links to CREST accredited resources developed by partner organisations, CREST accredited schemes and education providers who can deliver CREST accredited activities.

To find out more about CREST Awards, visit the main site.

Not sure where to start? Take a look at our Getting started guides. Why not try our most popular resources first!

Getting started guides

These guides are being updated. Information regarding the number of activities required and badges for the primary Awards, Award fees, and minimum order size may be subject to change and might not reflect the latest details.

For more information, please read our article on Changes to the CREST Awards offer.

How to use the library

Choose an area:

Partner resources

To view a resource click on the cover.

To download a resource, click on the square to view in full screen and then on the cloud in the top right hand corner. Take a look at this help note.

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British Science Association

Wellcome Wolfson Building,
165 Queen's Gate

© 2023 British Science Association